Sprucing Up Your Look

Achieving a Fuller Head of Hair: Your Guide to Scalp Micropigmentation

by Tammy Tucker

Are you experiencing hair loss or thinning and feeling self-conscious about your appearance? Or perhaps you're tired of constantly shaving your head to cover up a receding hairline? If so, scalp micropigmentation (SMP) may be the solution for you.

SMP is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that involves applying tiny, layered dots of pigment to the scalp using a specialized tattooing technique. This creates the illusion of a fuller head of hair, making it an ideal option for those with thinning hair or baldness.

If you're considering SMP as a treatment option, here's what you can expect during the process.


Before undergoing SMP treatment, you will first have a consultation with a trained and experienced practitioner. During this consultation, you will discuss your hair loss concerns, desired results, and any questions or concerns you may have.

The practitioner will also assess your scalp to determine the best course of action for your specific needs. This is an opportunity to set realistic expectations and ensure that SMP is the right choice for you.


On the day of your SMP treatment, you will need to arrive with a clean scalp. This means washing your hair thoroughly and avoiding any styling products or oils. It's also recommended to avoid caffeine and alcohol before the procedure as they can increase sensitivity.

The practitioner will then apply a topical anesthetic to minimize discomfort during the procedure. Once the numbing agent takes effect, the treatment can begin.


The duration of the SMP treatment will depend on the amount of scalp area being treated and the complexity of your hair loss. Generally, a session can last a few hours.

During the treatment, a specialized microneedle is used to deposit pigment into the upper layers of the dermis, creating the appearance of natural hair follicles. The practitioner will carefully match the color of the pigment to your existing hair color for a seamless and realistic result.


After completing the SMP treatment, you may experience some mild redness or tenderness on your scalp, which can last for a few days. It's important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by your practitioner to ensure proper healing and achieve the best results.

This may include avoiding physical activities, exposing your scalp to direct sunlight, and using specific products for cleaning and moisturizing your scalp.


While SMP is a long-term solution for hair loss, touch-up sessions may be necessary over time. Factors such as sun exposure and skin type can affect how long the pigmentation lasts. Your practitioner will discuss a maintenance plan with you to ensure your scalp retains its desired appearance.

Scalp micro pigmentation treatment is a safe and effective option for those looking to restore the appearance of a full head of hair. With proper care and maintenance, you can enjoy long-lasting results that boost your confidence and self-esteem.

For more info, contact a local company like Scalp Co. Scalp Micropigmentation.
