Sprucing Up Your Look

3 Things To Talk To Your Doc About Before Your Breast Augmentation

by Tammy Tucker

If you want a breast augmentation, then the first step is to go into the doctor for a consultation. During your initial consultation, your doctor will ask you questions, answer questions, do a brief exam, and help you land on the right type of implant for your body. While you're sitting there with your doctor, there are a few different things that you should be sure to talk to them about. But what exactly? This article will take a closer look and see. Read on to learn more. 

1. The Type of Implants

One of the biggest decisions that you will have to make about your implants is the type that you want. Depending on your budget, the look you want, and the texture that you are going for, your doctor may recommend one type over another. Here are three common types of implants.

Silicone: Silicone implants are the most popular type of implant because they give patients a more natural feel. In addition, silicone implants are fairly affordable. These implants are filled with silicone, which gives them a softer texture. 

Saline: Another option is a saline implant. Saline implants are made out of salt water and they are considered to be one of the safer options. Why? Because if they rupture, you will notice it right away and the salt water isn't harmful to the body. The only downside to saline implants is that they tend to be a lot firmer, which some women don't like. 

Gummy Bear: Another option on the market right now is the gummy bear implant. The gummy bear implant is unique because it is a teardrop shape, which provides the most natural look. Plus, they are made of a different type of silicone which a lot of women like. 

2. The Recovery

Another thing you will want to talk to your doctor about is what you can expect from recovery. Different surgeons will perform the surgery in different ways, which may impact or change the recovery process. For instance, if your surgeon stretches the breast muscle over the top of the implant, it may make you a lot sorer and take longer for you to recover. 

3. The Price

Whether you are financing your breast augmentation surgery or you are paying for it with cash, you will want to talk to your doctor about payment options and the price of everything. To learn more about breast implants or augmentation surgery, contact a plastic surgeon near you.   
