Sprucing Up Your Look

3 Options For Nonsurgical Vaginal Rejuvenation

by Tammy Tucker

Having baby changes everything. It changes your daily routine, your priorities, and also your body — namely, the down-there area. If your vagina is just not the same after having your little one, you're not alone. Luckily, you do not have to go under the knife to tighten and tone things up. Here are three non-surgical options for vaginal rejuvenation.

Radiofrequency Treatments

If you don't mind visiting a doctor for treatment, then consider radiofrequency treatments. This therapy involves aiming radio waves at your vaginal area for about 30 minutes at a time. The waves stimulate the muscles in the area, helping to tighten and tone them. You won't feel much during the treatment itself, save a little tightening and perhaps some tingling and warmness. With repeated treatments, your body should generate more collagen, which will further help tone your vagina. Most patients need at least three treatments in total. You can immediately return to your normal routine after treatment; there is no downtime.

Laser Treatment

Another option is laser treatment. Basically, your doctor would use a cool, low-powered laser to treat not only your vaginal canal but also the tissues around it. The laser causes an increase in blood flow to the treatment area, which may stimulate your body to repair the damage that it has been ignoring since you gave birth. Laser treatment can also help with female incontinence and similar issues after pregnancy. You won't feel much while the laser is working, but you should notice an improvement in tone with each treatment. You can undergo treatment every two or three weeks for as long as needed to achieve your desired results.

Yoni Eggs

If you would prefer a more DIY, at-home approach, consider using a yoni egg to tighten and tone your nether regions. Yoni eggs have been used by women in traditional Chinese culture for centuries. Basically, they are eggs made from polished jade or another mineral. You insert the egg into your vaginal canal and leave it there for several hours or perhaps even all day. Holding the egg in place tones your muscles over time. There are various sizes of eggs to choose from. Most pregnant women prefer to start with a larger egg and work their way down to smaller eggs as their muscle tone improves.

Talk to a doctor in your area to further explore these and other options for nonsurgical vaginal rejuvenation treatment.
