Sprucing Up Your Look

Acne Treatment, Effectiveness, And Why Your Complexion Won't Clear

by Tammy Tucker

Why isn't your acne treatment working? While there's no magic cure, you can take steps to gradually eliminate (or at the very least reduce) this common dermatological issue. Before you start to stress, slow down and take a look at the common reasons why pimples refuse to perish.

You Need More Time

When it comes to treating acne, you have options. But that doesn't mean an instant miracle method is a reality. Like any other type of medication, acne treatments (whether they're over the counter or prescription) take time to work.

If the dermatologist prescribes or recommends a specific treatment, ask how long it should take to see results. This doesn't mean the length of time the medication takes to completely clear your skin. Instead, talk to the doctor about timeline expectations. You may start seeing a gradual change in weeks, with more pronounced clearing over the next few months.

Improper Treatment Use

Are you using the mediation, cream, or other treatment correctly? If your doctor prescribed a treatment, always follow their directions precisely. Over-the-counter remedies also come with directions. Read the product's recommended use before you start its use. Only use the recommended amount for the instructed amount of time.

Failure to follow a product's directions can result in several different problems. Overuse can cause drying or irritation that worsens acne, while underuse can make the product or medication completely ineffective.

Along with improper use, skipping or adding doses or treatments can also make it challenging to eliminate acne. Never double up on doses—even if you miss one. While skipping your treatment can result in acne flare-ups, taking extra won't solve your problem either. Instead, prevent the problem by creating a reminder system that works for you.

The Cure Doesn't Fit the Cause

Did you self-diagnose your acne issue? If your guesses aren't on target, you run the risk of using the wrong type of treatment. Acne has many different causes, ranging from cosmetic products clogging your pores to increased hormone activity.

Treating the wrong cause results in a mismatch, leaving you with an ongoing issue. If you've given the treatment time to work, and you still don't see results, it's time to call in the expert. The dermatologist can explore the potential causes and recommend a plan that works for your individual needs.

Acne treatment services can solve your skin issues, clearing your complexion for good. If you don't see the desired effect, give it time. As long as you have the right treatment for your type of acne and are using the medication correctly, you're likely to see results in the not-so-distant future.
