Sprucing Up Your Look

What To Expect During Your First Botox Procedure

by Tammy Tucker

If you're noticing fine lines and wrinkles as you get older, you may have tried everything possible to get rid of them. Over-the-counter serums and creams can help, but botox provides a more effective alternative. Here are four things you should expect during your first botox procedure:

1. Botox treatment is quick and painless.

You can have your procedure done quickly in-office. In fact, many people like to get botox during their lunch break. You may have small lumps or faint bruising at your injection site immediately following your treatment, but a hat can easily hide that. Most people describe the feeling of the injections as a small pinch. You'll feel only mild discomfort, and anesthesia is not necessary.

2. You won't see results immediately.

Since botox works by paralyzing the small muscles in your face, you won't see results right away. According to WebMD, it can take up to two weeks for you to be able to see the full effect from your treatment, although some people start noticing results within a few days. If you're getting botox done for a specific event, make sure to allow time for the treatment to take effect. Try to schedule your appointment at least a week before any important events.

3. Your botox will wear off within three to six months.

Botox isn't a permanent solution. Its effects last for several months, gradually wearing off toward the end of that time period. In order to see continuing results, you'll need to renew your injections a few times each year. Many people find that with increased use, they can go longer between botox treatments. This is because the muscles affected by botox injections can atrophy over time. That means subsequent injections will be more effective, so you can save money by stretching your treatments out over longer periods of time.

4. You'll look totally natural.

Some people are wary of getting botox injections because they worry about having a "frozen face" or looking artificial. These things can happen when botox is used improperly, which is why it's important to go to a reputable spa or clinic. A skilled injector will be able to give you beautiful, natural results. After your botox procedure, you'll look like yourself but younger and more well-rested. Most of your family and friends probably won't even be able to tell that you've had work done; they'll just think you got an excellent night's sleep.
