Sprucing Up Your Look

Preventing STDs During Casual Sexual Encounters

by Tammy Tucker

Obviously, the best way to avoid getting an STD is to abstain from sexual activities altogether. However, this can be hard to do, and many people just don't have the desire to live this way. The next safest way to have sex with very little risk of getting an STD is to only have one partner, both of you get tested before having sex, agree to only be with each other, and use protection. Do understand that just because your partner tests clean and promises to only be with you, there is always the chance they could cheat, and you would never know it. If this were to happen, you would be at risk of an STD.

Now, if you are a person who enjoys having casual sex with multiple partners and you have no interest in changing the way you live your life, then it is very important for you to take all the steps possible to help prevent yourself from ending up with an STD. Here are some of the things you want to do in order to decrease the chances of you ending up with an STD from casual sex.

Assume the person you are with has an STD

Since you are having sex with people you don't know well, and you can't count on them to be upfront and honest with you about things like multiple partners, when they were last tested and even their STD history, you want to just assume they have an STD. This is going to help you to approach sex in a much safer manner which can be helpful in preventing you from catching an STD.

Always have protection on you

You never want to leave protection to the other person. In fact, you should always use your own protection. You just don't know how old the condoms in their drawer are, if they have been exposed to direct sunlight or high temperatures for great lengths of time, or even if they have been stored unsafely in a way that may have caused them to get small pinhole damages that can make them next to useless.

You want to make sure you always carry condoms and make sure you have dental dams with you if there is even a chance of any oral to genital contact. Also, females should use a diaphragm along with the male using a condom. While a diaphragm will not protect against STDs, using one in conjunction with a condom can help. However, spermicide should not be used in conjunction with a condom because the spermicide can cause a breakdown in the integrity of the condom.

No matter how careful you have been, it is still important to get tested regularly. This way, if something did happen and you have contracted an STD you can begin treatment right away. Getting STD treatment as soon as possible can be a big help when it comes to seeing positive results from the treatment.
