Sprucing Up Your Look

3 Safer Ways To Achieve Your Ideal Buttocks

by Tammy Tucker

For many people, the ideal physique includes a curvy, round buttock. Unfortunately, people desperate for a larger buttock have used back-alley methods, with lethal results. Even if you are not naturally inclined to have a larger butt, there are ways you can achieve your ideal physique and do it in a safer way.


The most common method of enhancing your buttocks is strength-training. By using certain exercises to specifically target the buttocks and surrounding muscles, you can change your lower body and also give the illusion of a smaller waist. Squats, lunges, and hip thrusts are the exercises most often used. Just using your body weight is enough to make changes in your lower-body, but to gradually see improvement, you will need to incorporate weights.

Although building the muscles in your buttocks and lower body will help you see improvements, your diet can also play a role. For example, losing body fat as you build muscle can help your buttocks appear smoother and reduce the appearance of fat pockets and cellulite. Additionally, shedding excess body fat can make your waist, lower back, and upper thigh area leaner, thereby helping newly-formed muscle look more dramatic. You should also make sure you are eating enough protein so you can gain adequate muscle.


Implants and injections have been a popular topic, often because they were done irresponsibly using unsafe, back-alley procedures. If you want to change your buttocks, it is never a good idea to have back-alley injections or other unsafe methods. You need to consult a plastic surgeon who can safely perform a procedure for contouring your buttocks. Generally, implants are used to achieve the desired shape and size. Much like breast implants, the implants can be inserted into your buttocks, behind the muscle, and filled with either silicone or saline.

When you have a consultation with a plastic surgeon, you have the opportunity to discuss methods of achieving a look that works with your body. Although your overall goal might be to have a bigger, rounder buttocks, just having a large butt may not work well with your overall shape. A plastic surgeon will want the results to look natural and balanced with the rest of your figure, unlike illegal butt injections that often appear dramatic and unnatural, or begin to calcify and create unsightly lumps.

Brazilian Butt Lift

A Brazilian butt lift is another good option for changing your buttocks, especially if you have other areas of your body that could benefit from contouring. For the butt lift, you need a fat transfer. Generally, people who have the Brazilian butt lift also want liposuction from other areas of their body, such as the back, abdomen, and thighs. Harvesting fat from these areas can also improve the result of your butt lift. When you remove fat from the back and abdomen, you are able to achieve a more defined waistline, which will make you appear curvier.

Removing fat from the lower back and upper thighs also makes the curvature of the buttocks appear more dramatic, thereby making your buttocks appear larger. Since you are using your own body fat, there are fewer risks of rejection or encapsulation, which can happen with implants and are almost guaranteed to occur with back-alley injections. There are some risks, such as the fat dying without an adequate blood supply or simply shrinking if you happen to lose weight. Another benefit of the Brazilian butt lift is the more natural feel since it uses your own body fat.

There are many safe ways to have a curvier buttock and achieve your ideal physique. Often times, using a combination of procedures to enhance your buttocks and contour other areas of your body will help you achieve the most desirable results.
