Sprucing Up Your Look

What Happens During Blepharoplasty Recovery?

by Tammy Tucker

Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that requires recovery just like any other surgery. You will probably experience swelling, bruising, irritation, and dryness. While the recovery time is relatively short, you will require a few down days before you return to a regular routine.

Whether you have already had surgery or you are considering the procedure, the impact of recovery is significant on your results. Read on to see how you can make the most of your recovery time.

Apply Ointment

During recovery, your cosmetic surgeon will offer ointment that lubricates the eyes. Your doctor may also prescribe eyedrops you can use in conjunction with a topical ointment. Make sure to clean your eyes before you use these medications.

Steer clear of other medications your doctor has not recommended. These include aspirin, ibuprofen, and herbal supplements. These substances could actually increase bleeding. Your doctor will likely give you the okay to continue using acetaminophens like Tylenol.

Address Swelling

A cold compress helps ease swelling and bruising commonly occurring after eyelid surgery. Use ice over your eyes each hour, just for a few minutes at a time. You may still notice some bruising, but it will be fleeting.

Pay Attention to Infection

Infection is always a possibility after surgery. Pay close attention to the signs an infection is brewing. These signs include pus, redness, inflammation, and itchiness. Report these symptoms to your doctor immediately.

You can also take steps to avoid infection altogether. Smoking can actually slow the time it takes your body to heal, making you more susceptible to infection. Your doctor may advise you to stop smoking in the weeks coming up to the surgery.

Due Diligence after Surgery

After surgery, you have the best chance of a full recovery when you use sun protection, including sunblock and sunglasses. The skin around your eyelids will be very sensitive.

Additionally, you will recovery faster after surgery if you avoid strenuous activities, like heavy lifting and running, for at least a week. You should also avoid using contact lenses until your doctor gives you the approval.

Finally, make sure to talk to your doctor about stitches. While some stitches are self-dissolving with time, others need to be removed.

If you have any other questions about recovery from blepharoplasty, talk to your cosmetic surgeon right away. You should also consult with your doctor immediately if you experience short breath, chest pain, new eye pain, or problems with your vision.
