Sprucing Up Your Look

Six Reasons to Consider Fat Grafting Natural Breast Augmentation

by Tammy Tucker

Breast augmentation is one of the most popular forms of cosmetic surgery in the United States.  The choice to increase breast size is a personal one, and breast augmentation often helps women with self-esteem and body image.  In recent years, a natural breast enhancement procedure called "fat grafting" or "fat transferring" has become more popular.  This new type of breast augmentation uses a woman's own fat from elsewhere on her body in order to plump up her breast size and shape. 

There are many reasons why fat grafting is on the rise.  Here are six reasons why women are choosing this natural form of breast augmentation over other procedures.

  1. It is minimally invasive.  The doctor does not make large cuts in the body, so there is no scarring from cuts.  Needles are used to remove fat from the woman's body and to inject fat into the breast.
  2. It includes liposuction.  Since the fat cells that are injected into the breast are taken from the woman's own body, she is able to have fat removed from a less desirable area. 
  3. It is an outpatient procedure and recovery time is relatively short.  Although multiple trips will need to be made to the doctor, the entire procedure is an outpatient procedure and uses general anesthesia.  Recovery time typically ranges from two to four days and a woman can get back to all her regular activities in four to six weeks.
  4. No foreign objects are placed in the body.  Since this procedure uses all fat, the woman's body doesn't have to adjust to an outside object being placed in it. If fat cells are rejected, the woman is not harmed in any way. 
  5. The breasts feel and look natural.  Sometimes breast augmentation can look unnatural, especially on thin women.  Women often get a breast procedure done not to stand out, but to fit in.  Having noticeably "fake" breasts can be just as difficult as having very small breasts.  Fat grafting enlarges the breasts without making them unnaturally round or hard.  They look and feel like a natural breast would. 
  6. Many body types are candidates for this procedure.  Even though fat is being taken from the woman's own body for this procedure, a woman doesn't have to be overweight or have excess fat to qualify.  Prior to doing the procedure, a doctor will evaluate each woman to decide if she is a candidate, but being "too thin" doesn't typically disqualify a person. 
